13 February 2018

The Multi-Moment-Analysis and the Value-Chain

Added value is king - due to digital and global competition every business has to optimize permanently today. Added-value processes play a keyrole in here. Finally added-value routines allow to process incoming factors of lower value into outgoing factors of higher value. Given a value-chain the outcome can be particularly worthwhile. Value-chains offer even more if added-value processes in the single company and in a group of companies can be combined.Of course value-chains have their challenges. There are bottlenecks and efficiency gaps in the context of idle periods and cycle times as well as problems in coordination. To eliminate such aspects you just need one profound basis: Realiable data which can be only evolved out of a detailed analysis.

The MMA at ist best - analyzing a Value-Chain

You can accomplish the following goals by applying MMA in a value-chain:

  • Find fortes and weaknesses!
  • Find hidden potential!
  • Support a permanent CIP - Continous Improvement Process!
  • Eliminate aspects of no value!
  • Guarantee proper coordination and communication!
  • Install clear tasks and responsibilities!

How does MMA help you to accomplish these goals?

In short the Multi-Moment-Analysis allows valid assertions on the time structure of a variety of processes by using random samples in your value-chain. This means to know all processes and to allot them to the system.
Getting to know processes is easily achieved by asking participtants simple questions such as:
"What are you doing right now?" in a certain time interval. They just need a second for a "click" to answer. A time interval of 20 minutes will provide you with 3 notifications per hour and 24 notifications per work day of 8 hours, The profound data will enable you to hinge decisions and strategies on facts, numbers and reliable data.

If you want more added-value, gain most added-value from a Multi-Moment-Analysis (MMA)!

Try it out!