The Multi-Moment-Analysis and the Value-Chain
The MMA at ist best - analyzing a Value-Chain
You can accomplish the following goals by applying MMA in a value-chain:
- Find fortes and weaknesses!
- Find hidden potential!
- Support a permanent CIP - Continous Improvement Process!
- Eliminate aspects of no value!
- Guarantee proper coordination and communication!
- Install clear tasks and responsibilities!
How does MMA help you to accomplish these goals?
In short the Multi-Moment-Analysis allows valid assertions on the time structure of a variety of processes by using random samples in your value-chain. This means to know all processes and to allot them to the system.
Getting to know processes is easily achieved by asking participtants simple questions such as:
"What are you doing right now?" in a certain time interval. They just need a second for a "click" to answer. A time interval of 20 minutes will provide you with 3 notifications per hour and 24 notifications per work day of 8 hours, The profound data will enable you to hinge decisions and strategies on facts, numbers and reliable data.
If you want more added-value, gain most added-value from a Multi-Moment-Analysis (MMA)!
Try it out!