09 October 2017

MMA and Just-in-Time Processes

We have already explained why the Multi-Moment- Analysis is the fitting statistical method of modern times. One could even say MMA is t h e method related to digital ages and Industry 4.0. A well-defined part of digital revolution are Just-in-Time processes. These processes synchronize the needs for goods which are delivered or produced at the right time - when they are needed. There is no way not using MMA in installing Just-in-Time procedures and in maintaining them. 

Just-in-Time - every moment counts

Just-in-Time processes and MMA have one thing in common: Both hinge on the moment! To deliver goods just in time aim at minimizing storage capacities as the goods can be used or produces just at the moment they arrive. In the background of such procedures a sophisticated and highly effective organization is necessary. 

Think just in time with MMA

In order to install and maintain Just-in-Time organization coming from normal processes a lot of enterprises face grim challenges especially if their internal processes had not been clearly identified, planned and controlled so far. You have to think differently by focusing on the very moment. Here MMA comes in. There is seemingly no other statistical method making it so easy to find out what when where and by whom something is done. Even better, MMA works amid daily business and does not hinder fulfillment of daily tasks. The results of MMA form a clear basis to reorganize and fit processes according to Just-in-Time procedures by harmonizing ressoureces and tasks. Also keeping Just-in-Time processes running is so easy by help of the Multi-Moment-Analysis.