13 February 2017

61% managing administrative tasks

Last week I got an email from Dropbox with the information that they have updated and adapted their application website. Well, this is nothing earth-moving event for a software company. They have frequently updates. But one sentence got my full attention: The reason for this update!

"According a new McKinsey report, employees in today's companies are spending 61% of their time managing administrative rather than to dedicated tasks for their actual work. A terrifying statistic!"

And there we had again, the administrative effort, no time and no focus on the actual job!

With a Multi Moment Analysis, you can easily and effectively analyze your processes and measure the proportion of administrative expenses in your company. With the help of this kind of self-recording measurement, you quickly and easily display the distribution of effort in your company. I just hope the result does not kill you.

06 February 2017

MMA Blog Online

The MMA Blog is now available direct through our website.

This Blog will give you ideas and inputs what a MMA can do for you! Thinks like -

  • For which tasks are we using our working time? 
  • Are those tasks necessary or can they be automated? 
  • Which steps of the processes can be optimized? 
  • What is the cost of a process for example?

05 February 2017

What is a Multi Moment Analysis (MMA) Study?

A Multi Moment Analysis MMA or Sampling Work is a special statistical technique that enables you to gain data and information about your enterprise and work procedures. It is MMA’s main objective to provide data and facts about the effort distribution in your enterprise. Consequently you will be able to distinguish value-adding tasks and activities from waste-of-time. MMA provides very reliable facts of the current situation. Efficiency killers and bloated administrative routines can be identified clearly and easily. Waste-of-time procedures and efficiency killers occur in very different forms and are often hidden. Sometimes there is a vague subjective feeling among the staff that something is wrong or does not fit when it comes to daily work routines. Often your employees just feel, but do not know, the efficiency killers which may cause a latent feeling of working in vain, and make people dissatisfied. This means decreasing motivation at the same time. A dangerous development starts if these phenomena are not strongly opposed and changed within an appropriate period of time. Without reliable hard facts, it is impossible for management to react and to improve the situation, respectively to make the right investment decisions with strong potential for the future. Efficiency killers prevent the potential of your enterprise to fully blossom.

The participation of your employees is very important for the success of an MMA. Your employees will be asked at random times what tasks they are performing at that very moment. This randomness guarantees the statistical accuracy and robustness of the MMA results. Also, your employees will see the benefits of their participation in providing reliable, accurate data to address and discuss the issues that have been bothering them, but which they have not been able to quantify. Finally, the effort to participate and the interruption of the workflow are minimal for an MMA and much lower compared to any comparable study (e.g. time study, standard data or predetermined motion time system).